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Notice on recommending "excellent class collective of XX District primary school in 2009 academic year", "three good students", etc

01-13 11:52
The program of "2009 district level excellent class collective, three good students and excellent cadre evaluation" was launched recently. See the link above for details. Our school will conduct internal evaluation according to the spirit of the document, and then submit it. Please fill in the "excellent class collective application form" carefully, and follow the principles of fairness, openness and impartiality. On the basis of joint selection by teachers and students, send one candidate for three good students and one candidate for excellent cadres, fill in the application form and submit it to the brigade department before July 1

Notice on recommending "excellent class collective of XX District primary school in 2009 academic year", "three good students", etc

01-13 11:52
The program of "2009 district level excellent class collective, three good students and excellent cadre evaluation" was launched recently. See the link above for details. Our school will conduct internal evaluation according to the spirit of the document, and then submit it. Please fill in the "excellent class collective application form" carefully, and follow the principles of fairness, openness and impartiality. On the basis of joint selection by teachers and students, send one candidate for three good students and one candidate for excellent cadres, fill in the application form and submit it to the brigade department before July 1

XX bilingual school enrollment brochures for junior middle school in autumn 2010

01-13 11:52
XXXX bilingual school was established in 2003 and organized by XXXX * * middle school. The school implements the boarding system, small class bilingual teaching, and has made remarkable achievements in the past four years, which has been unanimously affirmed by parents and society.
Children's dance class and children's roller skating class will continue to recruit students
01-13 11:52
Dance is a kind of performing art, which uses the body to complete various elegant or difficult movements. It is generally accompanied by music and takes rhythmic movements as the main means of expression <br/>
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